Connecting Dots Of Knowledge

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Watch How Do Facebook Manage Huge Amount Of Data

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For such large amount of data Facebook requires a huge infrastructure to store photos, status, vedio, likes, comments and many more activities. 
To support that huge activity, Facebook has built two huge data centers, has two more under construction, and leases additional server space in at least nine data centers on both coasts of the United States. More than 70-75 percent of Facebook’s audience is in other countries.

Facebook is currently most popular site in the world. This is the known fact of 21st century. Facebook is having 1 trillion page views monthly which is among highest in the world. Facebook currently accounts for about 9 percent of all Internet traffic, I think it is just little bit more than the Google.

Facebook's Data Storage Infrastructure?

How many server does Facebook have?

When Facebook started, there were few people few posts, few photos, few likes, so there was only one server. But as need of Facebook keeps increases need of no. of server requires more. Technical presentations by Facebook staff suggest that as of June 2010 the company was running at least 60,000 servers in its data centers, up from 30,000 in 2009 and 10,000 back in April 2008.

Facebook Energy Efficient Server:

Learn more: Buisness Insider

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