Connecting Dots Of Knowledge

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Watch Bill Gates Drink Water That Was Human Waste Five Minutes Earlier

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Check out this video of the Microsoft icon drinking water that was human waste just five minutes earlier. In the video, Gates drinks water made from human waste to prove that the technology developed by Janicki Bioenergy, a small engineering firm based outside of Seattle, works.

“The sanitation system as we know it in the developed world cannot work in developing countries. So what we need in developing country is very simple systems,” says Doulaye Kone, senior program officer at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Why would anyone want to turn waste into drinking water and electricity?

Because a shocking number of people, at least 2 billion, use latrines that aren’t properly drained. Others simply defecate out in the open. The waste contaminates drinking water for millions of people, with horrific consequences: Diseases caused by poor sanitation kill some 700,000 children every year, and they prevent many more from fully developing mentally and physically.....
Read full story at GatesNotes.

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